Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's Going On

I wouldn't be lying if I said that the past month has been an extremely difficult time for me.  Believe me - all you have to do is bear witness to the new cluster of white hairs on my head.  They all seem to congregate on the front of my hair in a nice little Cruella patch.  All I need is a long cigarette and a white coat to complete the look. Oh and 98 more puppies which I would have if my husband was a pushover and I was a hoarder. 
Nonetheless, I had said some time ago that I was going to take up some new projects to keep me busy while we waited.  The first project was learning how to crochet.  I am 2/3 of the way through the class and I am master of one stitch.  Ok master is the wrong word.  For those of you who know anything about crocheting (and the rest of you can either have your eyes glaze over or you can skip down a few paragraphs) I can usually tie a slip knot in about a minute.  I can chain stitch.  Single crochet?  ok.  Double quad, half loop treble axle salchow with a twist- you got me.  I gave up making a granny square this weekend.  Only took me 15+ attempts before I threw the whole batch of yarn on the coffee table and cursed like a Deadwood character.  My granny square sucked b***.  (Been hanging around the 10 and 14 year old nieces lately)
But I shouldn't be so hard on myself.  I have improved since that first class.  When I came home with my first project and showed my husband he burst out laughing.  5 years together and he still has not mastered the inner laugh (which is related to the inner voice, things he would love to say but can't if he ever wants to feel the touch of his wife again). 
All I want to do is learn how to crochet a baby blanket.  Desperately trying to find a silver lining in this whole MOWA anticipated increase in wait times/slowdown in processing, I figure I may just have enough time to learn how to crochet a blanket.  A year should be enough time, you think?   Or at the very least I should be able to crochet a washcloth, maybe?  A washcloth consisting entirely of single stitches.  Yeah, that's the ticket.
Well once class ends in 2 weeks I'll most definitely continue with the crocheting.  Rumor is that once you master this skill it is meditative.  And I figure if those people are wrong at the very least it would induce a life long fear of yarn and needle perhaps even supplanting my all time fear of klowns and enabling me to visit the circus or Circus Circus.  And for the school teachers out there, I know how to spell klown - I just add the K because it makes it seem so much more evil.   
Oh and just for those of you who keep track - Our new numbers for March are 54 on the Boys List and 69 on the Girls List.  Our actual numbers are a little lower.  Our agency had a flurry of referrals in March and families are not removed from the wait list until they return all their acceptance paperwork which can take some time.  We are anxiously awaiting our April numbers next week.  Wow.  It alternates between time flying and time creeping so slowly. 
And for Anne - congratulations.  I wouldn't be honest or human if I didn't admit that the news of your referral tweaked my heart a bit.  But a little voice told me this is not my time yet.  I am genuinely happy for you.  Your journey began over two years ago and your grace and resolve in the obstacles you have faced has been inspiring.  Please keep blogging about your journey and I will definitely hit you up for travel tips and mommy tips when my time rolls around. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoops - typo in the last comment so I deleted it!

    I understand - believe me, I have been there waiting for a referral while others, whose paperwork went in WAY after ours, got their referrals. And then only to have the country shut down on us. I know it hurts.

    And yes - part of me feels awful because our Ethiopia wait for referral was so short, but I don't know why anyone's journey is the way it is.

    Hang in there. You'll have people telling you "your baby will find you". I thought if one more person told me that in the last 2.5 years I'd kick them in the nose. But - now I am preaching the same thing, I believe THIS is our baby. He wasn't in Nepal. He found us. Yours will find you!! I know this to be true. And I can't wait to hear about YOUR call!

  3. Theresa: You are so hilarious. I have been laughing out loud reading your blog entries! You seem to be able to maintain a positive outlook in the midst of a really sucky situation, and I admire you for that. Keep up the crocheting!!! I'm a knitter myself, and I don't know how I could have gotten through the worst parts of my life without my knitting :) And my doggies, of course!

